About Us


The company “North American Carriers Inc.” has been operated in Texas since year 2008.

The office of the comp-any is located at 1429 Mountain Air Trail in Ft Worth, TX. The SOS filing number of North American Carriers Inc is 0800578932 and EIN is 27-0621717, which was formed on 12/02/2005. The Company, with the consent of its Shareholders, has elected under the Internal Revenue Code to be an S Corporation. In lieu of Corporation income taxes, the shareholders of an S Corporation are taxed on their proportionate share of the Company’s taxable income. Shareholders of the company consists of Mr. Gursharan Singh & Mr. Gurbaj Singh.


Management of the company consists of Mr. Gursharan Singh & Mr. Gurbaj Singh. Both of them have expert experience in management and operation of transportation business.